AEIOU - How to pronounce
artist asks: courage after suffering?
lover uncovered / brother drafted / mother far far / father apart
heart starved
benevolence when entering near death experience
men exit trenches ever reverent
severed head
speech defeats / leads
even eagles meet beneath steeples preceding evil deeds
beached wing
foreshore: wars fought before small auditoriums call for support
all morphed talk
squawk squawk
blue moon:
loose fruits crooned through you tube rooster zoo doodle doo
(whose truth?)
savages scabs rebels barbarians brutes lewddancing animals sluts mutts dangerous radicals dirtyblack dolebludging unemployed criminals pennydiving gumdigging landhoarding separatists coons goons child-abusers statistically-at-risk violent losers moaning lazy protesting boozers illiterate natives underachievers filthy skanky sexy brown bitches witches superstitious malicious terrorists once-were-warrior guerrilla-style activists
They have named us.
Singing in the belly of the paradox
universe rant
immaculate womb
i die
infinity star particle reborn 
beyond chorus of extinction distinctly resounding by forest lake swamp
scorched tree offering
beside furrowed bean pea beet potato courgette near Bastion pah bunkers to
church palisade
behind middens broken glass backyard state-digs inside temple pot-hole terrestrial
atop mountain hiccupping vegetal thunder across continent romance tectonic hot
over trail of ancestor revolutionary quest within border line territory hundred rank
beneath province town village neighborhood armour under sky cloud bird leaf
between pounamu doors of peace-flag descendant around flower field shimmering
colour scent hue
around sun planet atom incorrigible moon between quantum existence tomorrows
under current flow reign rip unorthodox tide beneath parameter endogenously made-
within seagull bowels aftermath to a feasting over terraces bat caverns latent artillery
across silage sea shark wild ray piranha inside crater red scoria where cattle graze
behind skull valley croonings elusive insomnia near sub urban landscrape excavation
beside viaduct carbons ceremonial breathtank by adzes discovering lost new island

to a sleepwalker freedom-oceanic wet dreaming
in the belly of the paradox
in the nerve-spine of the conundrum
at the lip of the precipice
at the turn of the golden century continuum
to one divine Origin progressively revealing by sperm whale beached in
indelible sand
beside musket-death warrior nursing moist seed near convoluted politics urban drift
behind unveiled dawn maiden deadly inheritor inside dancing trenches such peach-ripe
atop skytower tongue piercing steel leviathan across kauri blood gum dug sweet
over land women lost art buried semen within tenuous griefs our flung far carrions
beneath placenta tree nourishes future prophecy under lore of continuance hope
between lovers agape in deep flesh mystery round eye petalled children blinking
dark unity
in the belly of the paradox
in the nerve-spine of the conundrum
at the lip of the precipice

at the turn of the golden century continuum