blackmail press 35
Rafael Ayala Paez

Taipari O Maraea - Penny Howard
Rafael Ayala Paez (Zaraza, Guarico, April 24, 1988). Degree in Education, Language Arts mention the Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez (UNESR). Founding member of the Municipal Writers Network of Zaraza. He has published in literary magazines in South America and Europe.

Some of his poems have been translated to English, German, Frenchman and Hebrew. He has published:(Bocados de silencio, 2012).


Memory is in the fingertips

Colors are in the eyes

Infancy is contained in the backbone

Worlds are born in broken shells

There will always be a sign in every object

made vague in the horizon

An infinite omen in the night

A sparkle suspended on the forehead

An old smell beneath the pebbles

A red sun behind the hills

Sunrises on the eyelids

Balloons floating in the sky

Villages unsuspected in the soles of feet

Giant anemones in the clouds

Beings that walk on their heads

Suns like pupils

Divers drowned in a glass of water

Shipwrecks of desperation

Locomotives exhaling a swarm of flies

Trees that understand what we say

A clock with arms and legs

A tower submerged in a puddle

Eyes crying birds

Dreams that drive their cars in the night

Rafts that navigate the arteries leaving a trail of stars

Songs searching for the light

Skies tense like elbows and arms

Cities built in my left hand

Suns between fingers

Tides of deaf ears

Pieces of beaches in the retina

Aquatic insects

Maps of remote places like galaxies

Discussions over matters that we will soon forget

Islands that are nests of sounds

Impressions of everything dreamed








April 20th

Because that day she broke a tile

the ray burned the trees

the streets grew silent

and I knew nothing of time

of your hands

of the signs

that foretold the decline

of your breath.