I am a New Zealand born and raised Samoan, with a smidgen of Chinese blood. I was born a Central Auckland girl and vow (half-heartedly) to die a Central old lady. Last year I completed a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Auckland. Currently, I am in my second year at MIT (Manukau Institute of Technology) studying towards a Bachelor of Creative Writing degree. I favour prose writing as I want to publish a novel one day, but enjoy poetry as another creative outlet.
Cross Religions
He spits at the idol feet of Jesus
and sleeps on the cathedral steps
waiting for God to come
and answer him Face-to-face
cos he ain’t got time for go-between mediators
he wants to hear from the Horse’s mouth
why only the Devil’s drink can burn his pain
in his darkest hours.
The priest told him
he must pray to Jesus for salvation.
He replied with a grubby middle finger,
‘I shit on your thou art thou!
I’d rather fly to the heavens
on Zeus’ winged stallion
to wrestle my answer from Yahweh,
than ride economy-class
on Mr. J’s damn ass!’
Just Another Haiku
The Brown Paper Bag
Kid, inhaled deeply to make
life worthy again.
The Artistry Effect
The weaver proceeds
to weave a fine cloak 

of communities - of life.
The artist carving a tree
follows the grain
in harmony
with its natural character.
These significant spells
of kinship with all creatures
seen as living
in the carving or cloak.
We cannot simply
govern the process
of the artist -
what criterion we might use for ‘worthiness’.

We cannot choose
what is going to reflect 

someone’s essence.
Look once more
at the uses
we might make
of enhancing value.
What is of importance
is the idea
in the abstract -
in the impossible.