blackmail press 21
Raewyn Alexander
New Zealand

crossed cultures - special issue
From a town surrounded by cows to a blue house by the NW motorway in Grey
Lynn, Raewyn Alexander's enjoyed observing people.  She's had novels, poems,
stories and articles published in New Zealand and some overseas.  A poem in
an anthology this year, Poetry Pudding (Reed).  Her latest poetry collection
is Grey Lynn Land of Bright Stars (Bright Spark Books).  More info.,


Yoko Ono Appeared in the Supermarket

cross legged mid-aisle reciting poetry
blinked out faster than an infra-red scan
haunted me past worry beads of frozen peas

conceptual cool as a star artist
sunglasses inside those five syllable words
the elegance of a prize heifer

when I found the carpark breezy
I wanted to fly in a plastic bag balloon
land on her lawn and admire the sundial

a sweep across my plans
soundlessness somewhere in mind
me framed by the lie of a new room

glimpses of fame flipping in Zen moments
white cullottes for a walk through a maze
to enjoy the celebrity air of centre

Returned from Britain I brought back

an English newspaper
split into sections for each writer friend
t-shirts and bookmarks
from a huge gift shop at the airport
photographs of a 500 year old interior
where I saw a making-the-peace dolls' house
the daughter still refused to collect

when the plane landed I undid my plaits
took from beneath my clothes the pounamu pendant I kept
next to my skin to the other side of the world and back

I bought back my failing knees
I bought back pacing these cages of ideas
I bought back sounds of foreign accents
in my stories
I bought back all the places
I miss you

Featured Artist Fiona Holding