
here’s a recipe for an amazing cake
shaped like a toilet roll without flour because
lock down gingerbread
men stole it all

we are now at a lertlevel 4

stay safe
be supportive be careful be alert be fine

sanitise your hands in the
virtual queue
at New World stay home
if you feel unwell
stay home all the time

maintain social d  i  s  t  a  n  c  e
and subscribe to the
new sidewalk rules available to
read with a premium membership eight
reasons we’re in good shape to
get through this

if you have
or         difficulty breathe -in
you better hope they’ve got enough
respirators for you because
Liberia’s only got one

breathe in drop lets out
droplets spread


only leave home for essential services
did you know sex toys are
worker tests positive anatomy of
a business bre  ak  dow n

unfollow the news websites doctor’s
horrifying answer to simple question
Buzzfeed asks
which corona protein are you

some celebrity content is
actually pretty good
Taylor Swift helps Nashville record store
Selena Gomez records hand-washing technique
hair to
dye for

Alexa, do I have coronavirus?

Phoebe Rolfe is a recent graduate from the University of Auckland who is now learning how to be both an adult and a poet. Her poems have been featured in Signals and ANNEXE.
