Heart notes
call them from the night before birth

call the lava from my heart
A o koutou tipuna
the blood from my bones
Come have faith push your waka out into darkness
Karanga mai ra e te whanau
pull the thread from my veins
Airini stood on her mountain

she went in the direction of the Karore
Shadows stand in a long line behind her

they darken the shoreline
'we stand on the line between sea and sure,'
Ruamoko's bloodline to the surface
Pick up the karamu flotsum of your whenua
Haere mai
welcome the past
welcome the dark
Haere mai
welcome the future
welcome the light
Penny Howard is a New Zealand Artist of Te Mahurehure, Ngapuhi, Irish and Scottish Descent. She is Represented by Whitespace Gallery and is currently working on her next Solo show which will be held there in October this year.