I Saw Fate's Face

(for Edith)
I saw fate's face
she was wild in her raging heart
raging against the dying of the light and
welcoming the moon whose half light she hid in.
I saw fate's face in a tree, taller than the others
it sparkled in the moon's light and arched toward the sun
but it grew in dark soil of no moon.
I saw a fairy princess's face shining from my womb
whose cathedral stands as a church between my chest and legs
longing to find a knight worthy of penetrating its lore, it waited in
a cavernous body's sky where stars swam in sea blood, awaiting
a rainbow of melody, I have seen luck
played in cards and two dice rolled
in desirousness of hand.
I took a chance on happiness, and found it when
I crowned myself with stars and stood in awe
as part of all, not separate, I found I belonged
in the dying light, in the risen moon, in the
bark of the tree, in the midday sun, in the surging tides
I saw fate's face in
the echo of a mirror in my soul
and my body was the cathedral
to birth words from.
A bird at night turns in dark sky,
a star's luminosity eclipsed only by wings.
A bird of day not rested in night-winds
its melanin plumage crowning air thick
with dense moisture, feathering light
feathering sound,
feathering Mira's hearing
intrinsically shuttered, eclipsed only
by circumstance of extrinsic feathers,
curving darkness, oscillating
in breadth and range through time;
the time is night -
Mira hears feathered motion, softly
in the small distance between them she is
wondrous, wondering at night's ocean
whose quiet light, seems amused
in breadth and range through time;
the time is night -
feathering Mira's hearing
feathering sound,
with dense moisture, feathering light
its melanin plumage crowning thick air.
A bird of day not rested in night-winds
a star's luminostiy eclipsed only by wings
A bird at night turns in dark sky,
Mira's beautful laughter shattered only
by a bird of day, gracing the night sky.
Moving from its place of rest, its wing-span
crowned her head, changing her light
curving darkness, changing her hearing
and transforming her night.