blackmail press 34
Maegan Johnsen
New Zealand

spirits of the forest  Vanya Taule'alo
After a successful geographical transplant from the United States nearly seven years ago, Australian-raised Maegan Johnsen now calls New Zealand home. An enthusiastic writer of spoken word poetry she a keen participant in just about anything to do with the arts. Taking inspiration from life, love and everything in between she writes and performs whenever the opportunity arises. Mixing rhythm and rhyme is her favourite pastime and sharing the result with a live audience is the ultimate reward.
The Flamboyan Tree

I will meet you under the Flamboyan tree, red blossoms rumble down silently between you and me. Los dos junto para siempre, para siempre y para siempre.

This is my oracccion, a prayer to a gracious God that like the flaming red fuego of these pallos our love will glow in la luce de la luna llena por la noche y por el dia en el sol.

No mi importa what day you come. No mi importa como, con quien or from what direction. La unica cosa que mi importa is that you come with love. Always with love.

Yo te conoces en la sombre de la Flamboyan. Red like the colour between us, chemando como las corazones. Burning hearts aflame and never left wanting.

Beneath the Flamboyan Tree, tu y yo, you and me, we hold each others manos tightly, laying, loving in la grama por las estrellas to see.

En la reflecion de tus ojos I can see el color de los flores y los leaves. Rojo and green. Quando respirar, when I breathe, I inhale the fragrancia de la Flamboyan. Pesada, tranquila and sweet.

Respira la amor, respirar con calma, respirar la brisa, abajo el abor de Flamboyan.
Breathe in the love, breathe in the calm, breath in the breeze from underneath.
Tu y yo
You and me
Abajo la Flamboyan Tree