blackmail press 37
Manisha Anjali

Mere & Child - Penny Howard
Manisha Anjali is an artist and writer of Fijian and Indian descent based in Melbourne. She has also lived in Fiji and New Zealand. Manisha has been published in Mascara Literary Review, Seizure and Pulp Magazine. She was awarded the Hot Desk Fellowship by The Wheeler Centre in 2013. She is currently working on her debut novel.
Prayer for Jupiter

om gurave namah
om brihaspataye namah

Find baby banana plant on gumtree.
Get it delivered in a Ute.

om gurave namah
om brihaspataye namah

Repeat the mantra 9 times for 9 Thursdays.
Light small candle.

om gurave namah
om brihaspataye namah

Sing at sunrise. Water plant in divine holy circles.

om gurave namah
om brihaspataye namah

Do not sing or pray to Jupiter
if you are menstruating.

om gurave namah
om brihaspataye namah

Do not eat.
Do not drink alcohol.
Tea, coffee and milk OK*.

om gurave namah
om brihaspataye namah

Eat yellow food only at sundown.
Dahl, kadhi, aloo gobhi etc.

om gurave namah
om brihaspataye namah

Listen to the bells in your head.
God is a planet. God is not dead.

om gurave namah
om brihaspataye namah

Unlearn lust, despair and ADHD.

om gurave namah
om brihaspataye namah

Acquire ambition, wealth and self-esteem.

*Sex and cigarettes probably OK.