By night Suiliana plaits mats into prayers
weaves wools of yellow, green & scarlet
arranges constellations of red feathers
prays for the living
and invites visions from the dead
During the day, Suiliana smiles at the palagi
she strokes his arm
leads him to the sacred tree on the hill
shows him surf that crashes in endless lament
pulls him beneath icy waters
to the drunken night of an underground cave
We travel to a parallel island
where iron bars
encase shop windows
glow worms wink
in defiance lights smash
while vacant sockets stare
on Sunday women lay quilts
on graves drape fences with purple
sashes parade death
as a royal occasion
Weave down the Alps
read the monument
discover a jeep in the fields
a tower that crumbles
wind up the stairs
look across the river
see the pink & brown houses smile
Jacqueline Crompton Ottaway has had poems and children’s stories published in New Zealand and in the United Kingdom, the United States, Denmark and China. She enjoys travels to other worlds and, even when at home in New Zealand, discovers the extra-ordinary in her everyday surroundings.