(killed water skiing on the Waikato River)
Tumbling grey skies edging spring foliage
To the street where words fail to evoke
A memory of you standing at the door
A maroon-coloured car glides, stops
The same as yours, I think you've come
To visit me, running up the steps smiling
Your blond hair shining in the light
Eyes sparkling, springing out life
To go power-walking to the green park
But it's five years since the water goddess
Claimed your bright happy life
Overwhelming sadness is mine for today
Unless I make an effort to change
And dwell upon your being
Recalling the radiance within you
The self that enjoyed few limits
I wonder where you are, if you are
Deep within me lies a smidgen
Of hope so against my atheist ways
Perhaps the essence of you exists
In some unknown realm
I need the solid certitude to know
Though sadly, sadly, I don't.