blackmail press 21
Clifford Rivera
USA/ Philipines
crossed cultures - special issue
Clifford Favro Rivera is an Activist Paytan currently residing in Ginsberg's Rockland, New York. He is a Messianic Hudyo (Filipino for "Jew") of Sephardic ancestry. His work has been published in Sojourners Magazine, The Matthew's House Project, The Other Journal, and Infuze Magazine, among others. His short film, "Comfort Room" starring Austin Williams and featuring the Psalters , is currently in post-production.

Doneme Vida
A piyyutim

Inspired by DJ Handler's Sephardic Remix

That Sephardic appetizer is aight
But an ancient East Asian Hudyo
Sampler taste would be khot

Now I lay my own agenda
To sleep at His footstool

Y-shua, You know my heart
Beating after Yoo in blue Ahavah
Burning even on a Friday Boker
Tov, Tov, Tov
Ovah and done.

Give me Selah
Give me rest
Scan my broken body
That is Yours
Let me sing Yoo
Shir Ha'Shirim
By the fire
Let me whisper in Your lobe
My longing
For You're
Temple to beat me
Into submission
Let me be

Free in Your web of arms
Strong, yet frail
Like my homeless brethren
Who long for Aliyah
From the four corners
Of my mouth
To Mouth

Resuscitate me, Adonai
Revive me, my Lahavah
Restorah me, my Lovelee

Yoo are my Cantor lips
You are my Shabbos kiss
Effaced by Justice-Rakhamim

As the moons in Your bloodshot eyes

Doneme Tu

Featured Artist Fiona Holding