Allen Qing Yuan, born in Canada and aged 17, currently attends high school and edits Poetry Pacific in Vancouver. Since grade 10, Allen's poetry has appeared in 49 literary publications across 13 countries, including Blackmail Press, Contemporary American Voices, Cordite Poetry Review, In Other Words, Istanbul Literary Review, Literary Review of Canada, Mobius, Paris/Atlantic, Poetry Scotland, Spillway, Taj Mahal Review and Two Thirds North. Poetry submissions welcome at
Juvenile Blues
a patch of pink intentions
with seemingly ordinary shape and size
about to slip out of my sweaty desires
in my bleak twisted fantasy
the dots of doves
are swaying in a fall of crimson
rain unloved
slackly sealed with a zebra depiction,
a Bengal tiger colourway,
a messenger of the actuality that I couldn't have rode the other way
as if it could be for anyone, replaceable
your writing is the most flavorful painting
but blasphemy to my tastes
how much i yearned for those brief but weighty words
that 3 word statement
that 8 character declaration
but the end was just like
the end of a favour
“thank you, and good bye”