Tuituiohu Tapueluelu
1996-2013; 17 years young
I watched an apple grow once
Sad isn’t it?
It made me wonder
Why it is...
That the growth of this fruit...
Is morbidly linked to its attraction to the teeth of gravity
Which means:
At the peak of its splendour
Dressed in a crisp, shiny suit
This unseen downward spiral force
will break the apple’s neck
The branch's burden
too heavy to bear
And it will fall..
And then it will stop
There, the December sun
Will sap its bruised blood
The worms will peck at its flesh
And all that will remain
(for some time at least)
Is a stalk -
The umbilical discord
That reminds me
There was once a beautiful apple
That hung here.
Mentor Health

A tribute to Travis
of no fixed abode
but a 16 year old shell
in which rejection roams
through a prickled placenta
that bridged her demons
for her services rendered
by the seeds of survival
smoked or injected
cloaked in weeds of denial
like a ball on the floor
of a disabled toilet
this is his lore
how can I ask you to hear
a child alone,
mothered by fear
how can I ask you to believe
you have more urgent risks,
you must dare to breathe
how can I ask you to lead
as you follow your nose,
to steal what you need
how can I ask you to dream
from those concrete slabs,
upon which you sleep